CTFS Grants Program 2010 - USA

[Source: Scholarship-positions]

Deadlines: 01.APR. 2011
Kind: Research
Study subject: Tropical Forest Science
* Decisions will be made approximately three months after the deadline.

The CTFS Grants Program provides opportunities for senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students to use existing CTFS plots to conduct research with scientists affiliated with them. Social scientists and natural scientists are encouraged to apply.

The CTFS Grants Program is open to all researchers, from graduate students to senior scientists. In some cases, advanced undergraduates will also be considered. Preference will be given to scientists in the countries with CTFS sites and to all graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Applicants of all nationalities are welcome to apply.

Works in CTFS plots, analyzing plot data, identifying plants or animals in a plot, or generating complementary data that strengthens CTFS programs are welcome. Projects can be field-oriented, herbarium- or laboratory-based, or analytical. Research projects can be either basic or applied in nature. Social scientists and natural scientists are encouraged to apply. Funding is restricted to expenses directly related to field research, laboratory research, and data analysis. Examples of eligible expenses include travel, living expenses during fieldwork, supplies, research assistance, and resulting publications. Funds are not available for salary and/or fringe benefits of applicant, tuition, nonproject personnel, or travel to meetings. In addition, the grants program will NOT support indirect costs for institutional support.

Proposals can be sent electronically (preferred method) or by mail to the addresses listed below.

E-mail: slischynsky@fas.harvard.edu

CTFS Grants Program
Attn: Sara Lischynsky
Harvard University Herbaria
22 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

More info HERE!


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